Go Time!

This is it! After weeks and weeks of waiting for weather windows, analysing the wind and waves, and lots of agonising with family about how our departure would play out… today we got the go-ahead to leave La Rochelle! Tomorrow we will sail out into the Bay of Biscay.

We’ve been weighing up all the options; including flying the kids ahead to Spain, leaving the boat in France for the winter, or trying to get European residency and staying in La Rochelle until next year. But thanks to the support of our amazing professional team, we’ve found a short weather window that should get us all to northern Spain fairly comfortably. We’ll be heading to Gijón, about 30 hours away. Then we’ll take stock, reassess and go from there. (We have A Coruña in our sights, but hope to get beyond Cape Finisterre with the crew on board.)

So, after leaving Singapore back in May and spending the past three months in France, our adventure can finally begin! Not that it hasn’t already - but as we’re learning, the plans of sailors are written in the sand at low tide. Here’s hoping for fair winds and following seas for our maiden voyage out into the big blue…

And if you’d like to follow along in real-time, check out our new tracker!