The Story


After living in Singapore for eight years we quit the rat race and stepped into the unknown. In October 2019 we cast off from La Rochelle in western France on our brand new catamaran with no prior sailing experience.

We are an international family! Emily was born and raised on the sunny Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia. Ben grew up in the rainy North West of England, and is a true 90s Mancunian lad. We met near the Catskill Mountains of eastern Pennsylvania, USA. Sully and Frankie were both born in the small island nation of Singapore, and at the time of departure they were nearly four and two.

This great escape has been four years in the planning, and during the next decade will take us all around the globe! After years of big-city corporate living, we're seeking out a life of quality time spent together; sharing new experiences, living minimally and being close to nature. Read all about our adventures here.

Fair winds,

Ben, Emily, Sullivan & Frankie xx