The Bay Of Biscay: Day 1

10 October 2019

This crossing had been hanging over us for weeks, so leaving La Rochelle we were feeling both nervous and excited. Our professional crew (Skipper Gweltaz and Mariner Eric) were aboard after lunch and ready to go. There was little fanfare as we cast off the dock lines and motored out of the marina.


We knew the first part of our journey would be uncomfortable, and as soon as we got out of the channel it was... The wind, waves and current conspired against each other. The children and I (Emily) quickly deteriorated as the mountain of bedding, clothes and toys of washing grew. Even Ben was not immune - we have not got our sea legs yet! It's hard to keep your eyes on the horizon when it's constantly disappearing behind the waves as the boat is lurching about. (In fact, our seasoned crew admitted later that they felt pretty queasy too!)


And there were so many new noises that greeted us taking this home out on the open water. The banging of the waves on the hulls. The shuddering of the boat as it was tossed about. The rattling and sliding of possessions stored away in cupboards and drawers. Yet we did not feel worried or ever question our new life.

Between sleep and sick we kept the kids comfortable and fed them a dinner of banana and electrolytes. Eventually they both tired out and we had a comfortable night's sleep while the boys kept a two-hourly watch.

But despite the sickness and unfamiliarity, there was an underlying feeling of success. We did it! If nothing else, two novices were taking on the Bay of Biscay. This is a rite of passage for many new sailors. The journey had started and it was exhilarating!