Who Are We?

Meet the s/v Long Summer crew!

Join us as we step out of the city and into the world. We quit our jobs, bought a boat, and are learning how to sail off into the sunset.


After living in Singapore for eight years we're quitting the rat race and stepping into the unknown. In July 2019 we will cast off from La Rochelle in western France on our brand new catamaran with no prior sailing experience.

We are an international family! Emily was born and raised on the sunny Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia. Ben grew up in the rainy North West of England, and is a true 90s Mancunian lad. We met near the Catskill Mountains of eastern Pennsylvania, USA. Sully and Frankie were both born in the small island nation of Singapore, and at the time of departure they will be nearly four and two.



The man who gets things done. Ben's drive and passion for making crazy dreams happen is second-to-none. A skilled engineer and experienced office executive, he can turn his hand to anything. There is no one better to take command of our ship. He loves his family, hates kale, and is ready to hit the high seas.



Sully is our kind-hearted all-rounder, who keeps the boat ship-shape and has a keen eye for detail (just like his mum). He's also our resident fishing expert and main authority on marine life. This kid is inquisitive, and has more questions than there are answers. He loves books, hates tomatoes, and wants to be a fire fighter.



The name Emily doesn't mean industrious for nothing. Diligent and organised, our Boss Woman is in charge of operations. She's responsible for everything from safety and provisioning, to homeschooling and masterminding adventure. She loves books, hates mess, and is a wandering gypsy at heart.



The youngest and smallest of our crew, Frankie is a law unto herself (because though she be but little, she is fierce). She's also a social butterfly and full of giggles. And despite rushing into the world and missing her own water-birth, she is a true water baby. She loves a cuddle, hates milk, and definitely rules the roost.


This great escape has been nearly four years in the planning, and during the next decade will take us all around the globe! After years of big-city corporate living, we're seeking out a life of quality time spent together; sharing new experiences, living minimally and being close to nature. Wish us safe travels!

Ben, Emily, Sullivan & Frankie
