The Kindness of Strangers

This summer we have been fortunate enough to meet the Catalkaya family by the pool at the yacht club here in Didim. Asli and her husband Gökhan, along with their daughter Su, make the 2 hour drive down from Izmir every weekend in order to spend time on their fishing boat. We were immediately struck by their kindness and generosity.

Throughout the summer the Catalkayas have been so giving of their friendship. They have invited us to their boat to enjoy Turkish coffee, tea and raki (the national drink of Turkiye). They have brought us Turkish treats like halva, just because! And they have taken us out to dinner so that we can try new Turkish dishes, like Iskender kebap.


When we were left stranded without a car one weekend in August by a car hire company, they didn’t hesitate in helping us to find another one. After making many phone calls on our behalf and discovering that there were none left in the area, they changed their entire plans and stayed in the city just so that we could borrow their own car instead!

So when they invited us to come and stay with them in Izmir for the weekend, we jumped at the chance. We were welcomed into their home with open arms and a feast of homemade traditional Turkish food.

But all did not go to plan… On the first night both Sullivan and Su were sick with a vomiting bug. The next morning we thought it would be prudent to take them both to a doctor, and we could not have navigated the Turkish healthcare system without the help of Asli. But Sullivan came away saying it was the best experience he’s ever had at a doctors, and would gladly go again! (And that’s from a kid who’s seen health providers all over the world, including surgery under the world’s best healthcare system in Singapore!)


Being brought into the fold of everyday convention in a foreign land is the best way to get to know a place. We love embracing these kinds of meaningful experiences. Reaching across the cultural divide in new surroundings to connect with everyday people. Stepping out of our comfort zone and challenging what is familiar. After all, isn’t that what travel is all about? Peeping through the window into new cultures and sharing an understanding that underneath it all, we are all just regular people sharing a space in time. And what an added bonus to make friends along the way!