Shukran, Tangier

We are leaving Morocco - tomorrow! After 8 months the time has come for us to say goodbye to Tangier (more than 3 months later than planned). In the morning we will check out of the country and set our course for Spain. We will cross the straits at Gibraltar and finally head into the Mediterranean proper, hopping along the Andalucian Coast.

The aim is to be cruising the Balearic Islands by mid-July. Coincidently, our weather window aligns with 1 July - the date when many of Spain’s travel restrictions are lifted and the EU opens up to more visitors.


The past few days have been spent testing and preparing Long Summer to be on the move again. We took her for a spin in the marina and ironed out a couple of kinks. She’s made the transformation from house back to boat. And we’ve filled every nook and cranny with fresh food and dry goods.


The farewells have been numerous. Fellow lockdownees, some of whom have already departed in various directions. The wonderful teachers from the children’s school, to whom we will be forever grateful for taking such good care of our babies. Our fantastic new friends, not least of all because of newborn snuggles and their rooftop paddling pool!

The many day-trippers who kept their boats close to ours and always greeted us with a smile, some of whom even bestowing departing gifts upon us. All of the marina staff who shared this strange lockdown experience with us, keeping the place clean and running for just a handful of boaties. And every other familiar and friendly face in this town that we have loved from the moment we arrived.


Shukran, Tangier - it’s been a pleasure.