Out Of Africa

We have left Morocco!

After a month of lobbying the government we were finally granted permission to exit the country. Given that this happened on the weekend of Eid al-Adha, we are grateful to the Kingdom for their clemency.

It’s safe to say that we have officially lived in Tangier. After nine months here we look forward to the day we can return. But for now we are just so excited for a change of scenery and to explore somewhere new.


We had a beautiful sail into the Med, covering 90 nautical miles at an average of 7-8 knots. We saw dolphins off the coast of Gibraltar, had a friendly conversation with a Spanish Navy ship, and avoided a very near miss of getting tangled in a large fishing net. We’ve dropped anchor for the night in Fueringola before carrying on along the Spanish coast again tomorrow.

And the icing on the cake? Today our daughter turned three. Happy Birthday Frankie!
