Making Hay While The Sun Shines

It’s safe to say that we’ve certainly made the most of our winter stop here in Sardinia. Aside from general maintenance (like cleaning, servicing the engines and winches, winterising the water maker and generator, etc.), we have been busy with various upgrades and fixes.

In no particular order, here is a list of what we’ve been up to on Long Summer over the past 5 months:

  • Commissioned custom marine-grade shelving in port forepeak

  • Commissioned custom Soltis Solar Protection shade screens for front windows

  • Fixed steering cable alignment (under warranty)

  • Various gelcoat fixes (under warranty)

  • Ordered and fitted dinghy chaps (custom-made in Thailand)

  • Ordered and fitted larger capacity solar chargers

  • Redid black marine silicon on starboard aft window

  • Changed out traveller lines for new ones

  • Lacquered cockpit dining table (outsourced)

  • Installed a waterproof 12V USB at helm

  • Welding fix to pan support on stove top (outsourced)

  • Replaced lazy jack lines and added blocks to spreaders

  • Ordered and fitted dinghy motorlock

  • Spliced and set spring mooring lines

  • Shortened the topping lift and reef lines for chaffing

  • Minor repairs to soft bimini top and sail lazy bag (outsourced)

  • Improvements to bimini clears for rain runoff and visibility (outsourced)

  • Made and fitted storm bridle

  • Repaired internal sliding door

  • Installed a halyard catch

  • Replaced starboard head joker valve

  • Affixed catches to saloon table leaves to prevent sliding

  • Sorted and reorganised all lockers and cupboards

As well as all of this, Ben has continued to run and grow his consulting business, and Emily has kept the house (boat!) in tip-top shape. It’s amazing what you can get done while the kids are in school!

We’re so happy with all of the work we’ve achieved and impressed that we actually got to the bottom of our to-do list! Bring on the new sailing season…
