Mail Day

98 days to receive a parcel.

When you live on a boat with no fixed address, receiving any kind of post is a special event.

But... When it comes from the other side of the world and has been lost in the post for 4 months. When it arrives on the day you were due to leave the country (but stayed because the weather changed)...

When you’ve spent hours calling, chasing, begging, emailing, researching, translating, requesting favours and completing forms for every department thinkable in two separate countries...

When it’s from your family that you haven’t seen in 2 years, including a nephew born in a pandemic who you don’t know when you’ll be able to meet...

And... When amongst all the special items enclosed (and unbeknownst to us) it contained a beautiful family heirloom... Antique wooden hand fishing reels passed down the generations and kindly bequeathed to us, ready for making new memories and telling tall tales.

Now THAT is something to write home about!
