Lockdown: Weeks 7-12

27 APRIL - 7 JUNE 2020

After 3 months of confinement, Morocco is finally on the cusp of easing their strict lockdown laws. Although the State of Emergency here will continue, some relaxed restrictions are due to come into place on Wednesday 10 June.


Over the past 12 weeks we have only been able to leave home to buy food or medicine. Our children have not left the marina grounds since mid-March. There have been no walks on the beach or picnics in the park. No take-away food or home delivery. No venturing out after 6pm. Just a draconian set of laws wrapped in a mandatory face mask.

The past 6 weeks have blurred into a never-ending routine of daily life. In some ways the second half of our lockdown has been easier than the first. We’ve settled into the rhythm of waiting with an easy expectation of each day. Who knows how we’ll cope re-entering society!


More recently, we have observed the city of Tangier starting to emerge into the new normal. A post-COVID19 world glued back together with hand sanitiser. Some restaurants have started testing the waters and a handful of shops are now open for trade.

The past 84 days will soon melt away and become a strange dream-like memory. Yet it may still be another month before we can leave Morocco and head over to Spain. But there’s a feeling of change in the air, and for now, we’ll take it.
