Fitting Our Dinghy Wheels

As any boat owner will tell you, the to-do lists are long and the maintenance jobs never-ending. While we wait out Covid-19 here in Morocco, it seems like an ideal time to get on top of a few tasks. Yet our hands are tied. With no chandleries in sight and an unreliable postal service, we do what we can.

However, one big job we achieved last week was to fit our Beachmaster Wheels to our dinghy (a Highfield Classic 310 with a Tohatsu 15hp outboard engine). Given that our tender is essentially our family car, these wheels will help us to easily move the boat on shore, and save us from trying to drag our heavy dinghy across rocks and sand.


We ordered the Beachmaster Wheels a year ago from New Zealand to the UK. From there they travelled overland to France and have been sitting in our forward locker ever since. Having then couriered in marine-grade bolts from Germany to Tangier at great expense, we were finally able to complete the job.


We roped in a neighbouring yachtie (who had fitted the same wheels to his own dinghy) to provide some extra brains and muscle for the operation - it required more thinking than one might imagine! It was a full day’s work in the sunshine and a job well done.

A big thanks to Sergei from s/v Luma for his help. We think they look great, and we’re excited to test these out once we get the chance… But for now a trip up the dock will have to suffice!