Hello Again!

After a little hiatus from sailing and social media, we’re back again! While our floating home has been all tucked up on the hard in Turkiye, we’ve been on a six month road trip through Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Thailand. So it really has been a Looong Summer!


In Singapore we were reunited with the life we left behind four years ago. With good friends in old neighbourhoods we topped up on foodie favourites, tourist hotspots, local delights, and nostalgia. Plus a total highlight for both the big and little kids was a weekend spent in Legoland (ok, so it’s technically in Malaysia, but hey!).


In Australia we drove over 8,500 kms up and down the East Coast, from Sydney to Melbourne to Brisbane and back again! And stopped in at just about everywhere in between too! After many years away, we spent 4 months on the road soaking up the good life. 

From big cities to little towns, from coast to country. Here, history is not man-made, but carved out by Mother Nature. Bush walks, billabong swims, the best beaches, river boats, island tours, mountain hikes and incredible wildlife. Not to mention all the epic playgrounds, wholesome food, weekend markets, amazing cafes, summer festivals, many museums, date nights, great coffee, new babies, new teeth, live music, nippers, and wineries!

Under those uniquely blue, big Aussie skies, we made memories that will last a lifetime. But most importantly, we got to top up on a lotta love with friends and family we have not been able to see in years.


In New Zealand we introduced the kids to a new side of their heritage. Having not been here for over a decade, our journey to the end of the Earth was long overdue. 

Unfortunately our visit coincided with Cyclone Gabrielle, which devastated the North Island and dramatically changed our plans. Nevertheless, we were still able to take in some of the breathtaking scenery of Aotearoa; glacial rivers, steaming mountains, earthquake rumbles, redwood forests, mud pools, new volcanoes and ancient springs.

We chased childhood memories and deepened our connection with the history and sacred culture that make up this land. Listening to the stories of our whanau (family) and the oral tradition of our iwi (tribe), we soaked in the whakapapa (genealogy) that links us with ancestors long gone and our place in the universe. It was an important moment of spirit and belonging.


In Thailand we relished being back in one of our favourite countries. We spent weeks decompressing in a lush villa amongst the mountains of Chiang Mai, enjoying the faultless Thai hospitality.

We learnt to cook delicious food at an organic farm and relaxed with many massages. We visited ornate temples and soaked up the atmosphere of the night markets. We encountered elephants at an ethical sanctuary and practised our Muay Thai boxing. And we celebrated Songkran, the Thai New Year, with water fights in the streets like a local. Frankie even learnt to ride a bike for the first time!

From there we made our way down to Phuket where our 6 month trip culminated in the wonderful wedding of our dear friends at the gorgeous Point Yamu. It was such a special way to top off our wonderful adventure with friends and family.


It’s safe to say that it has been one hellova journey! And so special to reconnect with so many people that we love and care about - you know who you are! Our cups are well and truly overflowing.

Now it’s time to return to Turkish waters, and splash Long Summer for the season ahead…!