
About 30nm north of Mali Lošinj we pulled into the bay of Cres. Shortly after setting the anchor our old friend the Bora wind made another appearance. Without warning and within 45 seconds the wind went from zero to 30kn and swung nearly 180º. This immediately pulled our anchor around which dragged before resetting, fortunately. The whole event lasted 30 minutes and disappeared just as quickly. Even though it took us by surprise we were glad to be aboard to ensure everything was safe and secure. Hopefully that’s the last we see of the notorious Bora!


Cres is a town in a bay on an island, surrounded by nature. The docks come directly into the middle of the town and are filled with little boats coming and going. We enjoyed lunch on the quayside, seeking a break from the heat. Little shops and market stalls fill in the gaps between the restaurants around the harbour. And Gothic-Renaissance architecture is dotted about the village. It’s as pleasant as any little European village could be.


And just outside of the small but bustling centre, in amongst the residential houses, sits Cres Tower. This 16th Century lookout tower once formed part of the Venetian ramparts that surrounded the city and formed her defensive line. Today it keeps a quiet watchful eye over the town, nestled amongst the backyards of local residents.

Across the bay and away from the hustle and bustle, a nature reserve provides a little bit of solace. A dense pine forest gives way to the small stone beaches that pepper the shoreline. The perfect spot for two little kids to spend their afternoons paddling amongst the locals and holiday-makers.
