Telling Close Friends

One amazing thing we have been able to do (especially given how connected the world is) is to maintain full secrecy of our plans in Singapore. This has been necessary given the upcoming career impacts, and just simply having the breathing room to make decisions in total isolation. Whilst we love hearing different perspectives and viewpoints, our grand plan needs to be set in stone before we spread the news. Given the impact of our master plan on us and others, we feel that sharing our news would alter our existence in Singapore (even if a little) and that’s not something currently worth the risk.

However, we do have some particularly close family friends in Singapore. Our family history goes back three generations, and although it took us until our twenties to spend time together, the Singapore expat situation has brought us extremely close! They form a big and a constant part of our lives and we felt it was only fair to allow us all time to plan for our departure and to make the most of the next 18 months.


Of course as with all the close people we have told so far, whilst it’s an exciting and tough message to deliver, we were thrilled with the response. Living where we do we see plenty of people coming and going - it’s a familiar sight. It happens to lots of friends, many times over, but it only happens to us once.
