
The past few days anchored in the bay of Port de Sóller has been an absolute delight. This pretty little village in the north of Mallorca is a quiet stop away from the tourists, with plenty of shops, bars and restaurants. Although it was a 12 hour sail from the capital of Palma, in reality it is just a 30 minute drive.

A tramway connects the port-side village with the main town of Sóller, about 5kms away in the hills. The charming journey takes you from the seaside views of the bay, through the lemon and orange groves that the area is renowned for, past the looming mountain range of Alfabia, and into the heart of historic Sóller.


On the day we visited, the weekend markets were in full swing. Sellers hawked their wares of local produce, artisan goods and homemade crafts. A street band entertained passers-by with their swing music, whilst children and adults alike danced in the streets. Despite the compulsory masks and social distancing, for a moment all seemed right with the world.

We spent the afternoon wandering the cobbled streets and perusing the shops. We dined in modern cafes and sipped champagne in the square, while the kids slurped on ice-creams and splashed in the town fountain. We took the tram back down the mountainside before a late-afternoon swim at the beach. If you asked us to describe our perfect day, this might just be it…


The following day we lazed in the warm Spanish sunshine, before evening celebrations for Emily’s birthday with our friends Victoria and Mike from s/v Havanesey Day. How nice it is to spend special occasions in good company. And today it was time for us to take the favourable winds and continue our journey east along the top of Mallorca. But we will certainly remember Sóller fondly for years to come.
