Sibenik to Skradin

After stopping in Vinišće for a few nights on our way out of Split, we then made our way north towards Šibenik. It was time to take Long Summer inland for a few nights! In just one morning we navigated multiple separate waterways. From the Adriatic Sea we passed through the Canal of St. Anthony, where the triangular Fortress of St. Nicholas stands guard at her entrance (though her cannons have reportedly never fired a shot!). A simple traffic light system helps ships to pass safely through the canal, in and out of the Bay of Šibenik. Continuing on through the long harbour we passed under the Šibenik Bridge - a first for us - with ample clearance at 30m.


From here we motored on upstream through the brackish waters of a high pass, where the river has slashed its way through the earth, creating 50m sheer cliffs on either side of the waterway. The pass led us into the wide and shallow Prokljan Lake, where the deeper you swim the warmer the water is (owing to the fresh water that sits above salt water). After crossing the lake we finally entered the Krka River, navigating another narrow pass and a second (higher) bridge over the gorge. At last, we tied up to a mooring ball at the little town of Skradin, and were welcome by the resident swans.

In total we navigated roughly 10nm inland, as far as we could travel away from the coast. A sea, a canal, a bay harbour, a bridge, a pass, a lake, another pass, another bridge, and a river. What a morning!
