Settling In

Over the past week we have been settling into our winter home here in Cagliari. After completing our mandatory COVID-19 tests upon entry to Italy, we isolated on the boat to await the results. This gave us the chance to catch up on a little sleep after the passage over from Menorca, as well as clean and winterise the boat for the coming months.

After five days we were given the all clear; all four of us tested negative for COVID-19 and we were elated! So this weekend we have been getting to know the city and enjoying some of the local produce that this country is renowned for (read: pizza and pasta!).

Unfortunately, tomorrow will see tighter COVID restrictions come back into place in Italy. For the next month gyms, swimming pools, cinemas and theatres will be closed, and bars & restaurants will shut from 6pm. However, primary schools will remain open, and over the coming week we will aim to get the children enrolled in a local school for the winter.

Hopefully the new changes will help to improve the situation over the coming weeks, and fingers crossed that things will pick up again before the end of the year. For now we will continue to stay in our little floating bubble and brush up on our Italian!
