Pothia, Kalymnos

We docked on the town quay in Pothia, the capital of Kalymnos Island, for a couple of nights. This was our last stop in Greece (for now!), as we continue to head East. We were there to perform our perfunctory duties of paperwork, however there is much more to this island than that! 


Here, sea sponges are referred to as "Kalymnian Gold”. The tradition of sponge diving here, and the courage and recklessness of the divers themselves, is legendary throughout the Mediterranean. The history of sponge diving is long and interesting, and well worth a read. It is one of the most dangerous professions in the world, and it has defined Kalymnos in every way. 

As we passed a vendor on the street, our ears pricked up at an Australian accent. After the Second World War the industry was almost decimated, and many of the skilled divers resettled in the USA and Australia. Our new friend had spent her childhood in Sydney, but returned to the island to sell the wares of her ancestors’ profession. It was engrossing to hear about the history of the island first-hand, and the children were excited to pick out a piece of the harvest to take home.


These are the kinds of encounters that affirm the warm and friendly nature of the Greek people to us. We will miss their hospitality, food, history and architecture. But we’re sure it won’t be long until we’re back here again!