One Year Ago

One year ago we said goodbye to our life in Singapore, our home for 8 years.

It’s been one year since we sold everything we owned and packed what was left into a couple of suitcases. One year since we stepped on a plane holding a one-way ticket. One year since the farewells to all of our friends, family and neighbours. Since final drinks with colleagues. Since the last-minute rush before an overseas move. Since we were eating off the floor with no furniture. Since calendar countdowns and the last day of school.


It’s been one year since we last set foot in Asia. One year since we felt the unbearable heat of the tropics. One year since we lived amongst the endless noise of big city life. Since tropical thunderstorms. Since durian and mangosteens. One year since the end of the beginning.

Our hearts ache for the life we left behind. The feelings are big and it’s hard to look back on those final days in Singapore. We will always treasure our time there. It’s not easy to walk away from a good life. But eventually, as it always seems to do, the pull to new adventures became stronger than the desire to stay.