Naming The Boat

You may be wondering… “What’s this Long Summer thing all about?” Well, it’s the name of our boat, our adventure, our business, our blog - in truth, it’s the name that describes the entire next chapter of our lives.

We wanted to come up with the name early on so that we could get used to talking about it; the idea, the boat, the brand, the project, the adventure… (Code Name: TLS).

We went through a pretty long list of what the boat name should mean and represent. Much like coming up with a baby name, we both had our favourites! It is actually quite hard to conjure a title that is relatively unique, easy to spell and pronounce, short enough for VHF, had a URL available, resonates with the kids, and encompasses the whole adventure.

The Long Summer Logo Final.png

The Long Summer was born from one key environmental criterion - temperature! My better half definitely prefers warmer climes over cold weather, and had a fairly strong (read: non-negotiable) requirement to stick in the tropics. Hailing from Sydney and spending a lot of time in Singapore, briefer moments spent in the UK at the “wrong” time of the year has honed this specification!

But it’s more than that. We both have a desire for this adventure being long and winding, seemingly never ending, enjoyable and sunny. Just like those long summers we enjoyed as kids; some of the happiest memories of any childhood.

So, whilst fairly simple, we hope for many it helps evoke a feeling of when time doesn’t seem to matter. It should help you recount a time when life felt continual; a playful and simple existence when things weren’t rushed and stress was a long way away.

Whimsical and idealistic it might be, but why not.


PlanningBen MorrellLong Post