Lockdown: Week 2

23-29 MARCH 2020

We survived our second week of lockdown, and seem to have even fared better than the first. We’re over the initial shock of forced isolation and into a good routine! The kids are keeping us busier than ever and enjoying their morning boat school of arts & crafts, online classes and virtual play dates. It has also been a fortnight since Ben returned from his Asia business trip, and with no noticeable illnesses in the house we are hoping to have dodged that bullet…


The nighttimes here have become eerily quiet in this normally bustling city; there is a curfew in place from 6pm-6am. Thankfully we have good friends living in Tangier who help to keep us up-to-date with any changes on the ground. Our occasional lone trips to the shops help to break up days that otherwise roll into one. But the supermarkets are well-stocked with fresh produce and supplies (including plenty of toilet paper!).

Just a fortnight ago we were preparing the boat for the summer season. We were due to be sailing along the coast of southern Spain by now, but obviously our plans are now in limbo. So we will sit and wait. Locked down, practising social distancing and self-isolating. Fortunately, Morocco has announced an extension on all foreign visas and we will be permitted to leave without a fine once the borders re-open.


We've been making the most of the recent good weather here and getting "out" for picnics and scooter rides around the marina. Over the weekend we took our new kayak out for her maiden voyage and paid a visit to our fellow floating neighbours. We all take the time to check in on each other, whilst also trying to keep to ourselves.

Like so many others our plans are on hold for now, but we are happy to wait it out. We feel fortunate to simply all be together; happy & healthy in a safe place. We’re looking forward to getting back out into the world in good time.
