Lockdown: Week 1

16-22 March 2020

Since the schools closed here a week ago we have been doing our best to keep the kids occupied and set up a routine here on Long Summer for a bit of normalcy. The weather brought an apocalyptic vibe to the week, with big wind storms of over 50kts causing havoc in the marina, and sustained rainfall adding to the feeling of being cooped up and locked down.


Morocco’s response to the Coronavirus crisis has been swift: within 10 days we’ve gone from happy oblivion to complete lockdown. The ports are closed and international flights have been suspended. Intercity travel around Morocco is banned, and the current state of health emergency is in place until at least 20 April. Our trips out are limited to one individual getting essentials only, with a government-issue form in hand. (Fortunately, our awesome bakery up the road is still operating though!)


So, we’ve spent our time like so many others around the world; checking in remotely with friends and family, joining online classes, and watching movies together. By the end of the week the clouds had cleared and we were relieved to soak up a little bit of the sunshine.

Although it is completely closed, we are so grateful to have the run of the marina here in Tangier. A football pitch-sized complex of brand new shops, cafes and open space that overlooks the beach. Considering the children will be confined to this area for at least six weeks, we feel lucky to be able to share this space with just a handful of other liveaboards.
