Just A Dot

Can you see that little boat in the distance? That's us. We were rounding the cape at Cabo São Vicente. It is the south-westernmost point of mainland Europe, and up until the 14th century it was the end of the known world. The jagged cliffs here rise 60 metres up from the ferocious seas, and were shrouded in fog when we passed.


This wild and remote landscape is the location for one of Europe’s brightest lighthouses. And it is here that our friends from s/v Triplicity happened to be visiting as we sailed by. They snapped this picture thinking that it could be us, and sent it over when we met up for a drink the next day in Lagos. So special to have this record of our passage!

Long Summer often feels big to us, but here she is just a dot on the ocean. It’s easy to see how we could be so completely at the mercy of Mother Nature… And yet, she is shining down on us, as we harness her elements to explore this wondrous world.