Goodbyes Are The Hardest Part

How do you say goodbye to friends who have become like family, especially knowing it will be many more years before seeing them again?

We are already so fortunate to have met so many wonderful people on our journey so far. Out here on the ocean you become fast friends with the boats within shouting distance, forming unbreakable bonds in the blink of an eye. Boaties need each other in ways that just don’t exist on land, and life afloat is a unique experience that’s hard to understand if you’re not living it.

And sometimes, just sometimes, a few of those friends leave a bigger impression on your heart than most. We have been privileged to share just a bit of the adventure with the Hill family on s/v Gambler. As well as the usual struggles of working remotely and homeschooling two kids, over hundreds of nautical miles we have also been through all the highs and lows that living and travelling aboard entails too, from weathering literal storms together to our fair share of sunset drinks!

So waving s/v Gambler off as the wind blew us in different directions was a tough one. Making friends out here on the sea is risky business and the ocean will be a bit lonelier without them beside us. But the world is round, and the horizon is never too far away… How lucky we are to have had something so good that makes saying goodbye so hard. x
