
Hanging out in Datça, the home of almonds!

We spent a few days anchored in this wide bay, where a friendly Loggerhead sea turtle swam by our boat every afternoon. And we lunched with a special feathered guest on our last day in town!


And imagine our surprise when yet again we happened to anchor next to friends we had not seen since our Covid lockdown in Morocco 2 years ago. It was so nice to catch up again with Fritz & Liza from s/v Two B.

Not only that, there were three other Fountaine Pajot catamarans anchored with us in the bay of Datça; s/v Eucalyptus, s/v Wild Odyssey and s/v OdesseaX. We had known of these fellow Aussie boat owners for years, but had only now had the opportunity to meet in person. We all purchased our boats through the same broker in 2019, but due to delays we had missed the group pickup in La Rochelle, France. How nice it was to finally meet all these like-minded people in the flesh, and to spend some time with friends old and new.


Not to mention the chance to also pick up a few jars of delicious local almond butter for our travels as well!