Burano Island

The island of Burano is a multicolour dream, every house a different shade of the rainbow (apparently so drunk fishermen could find their way home of an evening). The quiet and peaceful village seems at odds with the loud colours it has painted itself. And yet, she wears them well. 


Burano is a place where the locals still sit on the street and chat, seemingly unfazed by all the passing tourists. Local artists proudly display their collections of handmade lace - some items stretching back hundreds of years (including the handmade bedsheets of a certain Napoleon Bonaparte). In the main square the bell tower of the church leans to one side, the land below it long subsided.

Wandering along the pretty little waterways felt like stepping into a travel magazine. The only exception to the block colour walls is Casa Bepi, bursting with vibrant geometric decorations in an inconspicuous backstreet.


Despite the daily influx of tourists, it still has all the charm of a sleepy little fishIng village. What a wonderful departure from the busier islands of Venice lagoon. A feast for the eyes and nourishment for the soul.
