Boats, Burgs & Birthdays

27 JULY - 2 AUGUST 2019

After meeting our boat for the first time, and all the weight behind getting to that point, we were obviously keen to get back on board as soon as possible! So, just a week later we made the pilgrimage back up to La Rochelle from our base in Meursac and hopped aboard to get to work. While the children played we hastily measured spaces, reviewed changes, discussed options, made decisions, and imagined new ways of living. (And yes, even changed the first nappy aboard!)

A lot had happened since our last visit, and wheels had been set in motion by our aftermarket team Uchimata. Lifelines were being installed, the BBQ was in, the watermaker had almost been fitted, sails had been delivered, and we even saw s/v Long Summer move from her temporary delivery berth over to Uchimata’s side of the marina.

What a thrill to be amongst the buzz of our dream taking shape. It’s really happening!


A few days later we continued to get to know our new temporary home of Charente-Maritime, and set off just 20 minutes down the road for the historic village of Talmont-sur-Gironde. Sitting at the entrance to the largest estuary in western Europe, Talmont is steeped in history and also lays claim to one of the prettiest villages in France. Perched above the cliffs, every inch of the rocky promontory has been filled by this walled city, the layout of which has not changed in over eight centuries.

Walking through this ancient fortified town, the charming vistas belie her difficult history as a strategic point since the Middle Ages - for the French, English, Spanish, and even the Americans. But what a treat to spend the morning wandering her tiny pedestrian-only streets; where hollyhocks spring out between the small houses, and boutique shops and cafe terraces call you in from the sun. If you’re ever in the area, add it to your list!


To round out the week, our youngest crew member turned two! We marked the occasion with a trip to Château de Saint-Jean-d’Angle. We actually thought Frankie would be the first one to celebrate a birthday aboard the new yacht, but she had to make do with a castle instead!

Both of the kids loved dressing up as knights for the day whilst we explored the castle grounds and learnt about the building’s history. Dating back to 1047, the primitive castle has been faithfully restored, complete with full moat, working trebuchet and war camp.

From medieval games in the garden to picnicking with goats, it was certainly a day to remember! And to add to the “Frenchness” of the events, we started the morning with croissants and ended our adventure with a birthday candle stuck in a tartelette aux pommes… It’s been a good week. Joyeux anniversaire petit fille!
