Adiós España

Tonight is our last night in Spain. 10 weeks after leaving Morocco, it’s time to take on our final cruise of the season. We have spent the last two days at the marina in Mahón completing boat jobs and final checks in preparation for departure. It would have been nice to see a little more of this city, but when the weather looks good, you take it!

Tomorrow we set sail for Cagliari, Sardinia to tie up for the winter and become landlubbers once again. The passage will take around 48 hours - the biggest crossing we will have made since coming down the Portuguese coast from the Bay of Biscay a year ago.

Once we land on the shores of Italy we are required to submit for COVID testing and will self-isolate (more-or-less a state of normal for us anyway!) for a few days until the results are through. Then it will be time to settle into our new home for the next six months.

Follow our journey across the sea via our tracker, and we will see you when we resurface in a few days.

Thanks for a brilliant summer, Spain. The Balearic Islands have been particularly magnificent!
