2020 Zeitgeist

A little look back on our summer of 2020. With our first proper cruising season now under our belt, it’s safe to say that we are yet to enjoy a “long summer” (oh, the irony!). But despite this season being half of what we expected, three months of travel this year is definitely nothing to be sniffed at! We know how fortunate we have been to continue travelling through Europe.

After finally casting off the dock lines in Morocco at the beginning of August, we completed 1,174nm along the south coast of Spain and through the Balearic Islands. Over 12 weeks we stopped in at 29 places before tying up here in Sardinia. All up, we spent 90% of our time at anchor, and consumed 752L of fuel (the equivalent of just 1.5 tanks, which is pretty good going for a couple of newbies!).

We celebrated 3 birthdays aboard, outran half a dozen storms, and ate more than our fair share of ice-cream. We survived a hurricane on a technicality, dodged a global pandemic, and even potty trained a toddler. A pretty successful season, if you ask me.