Bonny Scotland

9-12 June 2019

With over six weeks to spend in the UK before we head down to France for boat-collection duties, we were keen to spend a few days exploring the city of Edinburgh.

Heading north from Manchester on the M6, suburbs eventually give way to the rolling green hills between the Yorkshire Dales and the Lake District. How nice it was to see large sunny skies again after the usual boxed blue views set amongst the skyscrapers of Singapore. And how exciting it was to cross the border from England into Scotland - a first for all of us (excluding a trip for Ben when he was a toddler).


Arriving in the docks district of Edinburgh, our trendy AirBnB in Leith was set in a beautiful converted schoolhouse. Overlooking the green open space of the Leith Links, this is where the first ever game of golf was played; pre-dating the modern game at St Andrews! We settled in, bought some food (including Scottish oats for our breakfast porridge!), and made plans for sightseeing over the next few days.

In the morning we were greeted with bright blue skies as we set off by bus for Edinburgh Castle. Arriving at the formidable gates of the castle entrance we were treated to a military procession of pipes and drumming, marking the occasion of the Duke of Edinburgh’s 98th birthday that day. As well as providing striking views of the city, touring the ancient buildings and cobblestones of Castle Rock was an absolutely fascinating insight into its history.

Following some lunch in the charming Grassmarket area at the foot of the castle, we then toured the Royal Mile; stopping now and again to window-shop, listen to buskers, and soak up the atmosphere. We even managed to find some delicious vegan haggis to try (really!), and discovered the gorgeous secret garden of Dunbars Close, before finishing up at Holyrood. What a magnificent day in Scotland’s capital!


The following day we walked down to the dockside in Leith in order to tour Her Majesty's Yacht Britannia. What a privilege it was to walk the path of Queens and Presidents, and to think that our own yacht will one day sail on the same waters as this glorious maritime treasure. In my opinion, this great ship is an absolute must-see for anyone visiting Edinburgh (yachties and landlubbers alike!).

The next morning our stay in Scotland had come to an end, but not before a drive along the craggy coastline of the country’s South East. The wild and woolly weather provided a dramatic backdrop to the various castle ruins dotted along the clifftops, as boats swayed wildly in safe harbours that seemed to offer little protection from the North Sea. We look forward to the day when we can explore more of this beautiful country, and venture further north into the wilderness!
