Setting A Date

It's starting to feel a touch more real now. We are planning to put a date down to hit, which will help us focus. My biggest fear right now is that we won't do it!

Why a future date, and why not now? I have never been able to visualise us living a suburban or school-orientated life. It's funny that when that happens you don't question the reality or explore what you might end up doing instead...

This new idea seems much more natural now and it totally fits us. Just the amount we have talked, read, listened to podcasts in the last month or so really solidifies how passionate we have become, almost overnight. I feel excited. And whilst we probably could leave now, it is something that I want us to enter into with no pressure on us in at least the first one to two years. This will help us adjust to the boat life, homeschooling and all the other challenges which we might face.

So, a date will be set soon, and I want that to drive our goal. Part of this adventure is about being free, and my challenge is that I do plan a lot and leave less to chance. A major motivation for this move is to release my tendency to worry and put in place a Plan B, C, D etc. There is a compromise somewhere there, but I'm sure in due course I'll find it.
