
The more I think about this adventure, the more subjects and areas to plan bubble to the surface. From buying the boat to earning money at sea, from learning to sail to educating the kids, from the route we’ll take to the people we’ll meet. It really is going to be a huge five years in the making. I’m glad we started now!

We are both relatively comfortable in the skillsets we bring to building a digital income, working remotely etc. What keeps appearing in my mind is the mountain of learning we will undertake both before and during this adventure. I for one am keen to step outside my comfort zone into a world of unknown. Sailing is something fairly foreign to me; I’ve always looked longingly at boats in the harbour, especially so on a recent family visit to our old hometown of Sydney. The colours, smells and constant breeze felt pretty awesome. To think we could be staring at that every day with a sunrise and sunset to accompany us is so exciting.

I’m finding the concept of living and travelling in a space that is fairly self-sufficient, powered mostly by wind and sun, really quite cool. Previously, I could never envisage life beyond our current place in Singapore. I knew there would be an exciting future, but it was so foggy, murky and ill-defined. We knew little of where, let alone when. Having a target set and the beginnings of a loose plan now gives us plenty of reassurance for the highs and lows ahead.

I know that one of us is ready to leave tomorrow, but I’m glad we have the time to plan ahead. Keeping motivated, focused and pointing at our goal will require constant attention, and bringing up kids in the meantime will no doubt raise tough questions about our adventure.

Bring it on!
